Tuesday, September 04, 2007

in the black...

Or, the GREEN as the case may be

I've switched over to Stud8 as my frustration level with nick dime was increasing (not to mention my money going bye bye). I feel I have more of an edge in this game when it comes to ring play. But, we will see how it holds in the long run.

Since I heart irony --

SlimFatty: why pay the rake

Dealer: SlimFatty has 15 seconds left to act notice he wasn't sure his lo was gooood

Dealer: khanwoman wins the high pot ($2.15) with two pair, Nines and Eights
Dealer: SlimFatty wins the low pot ($2.10) with 8,5,4,2,A

khanwoman: oh, mah bad, ill just stop betting from now on

SlimFatty: i guess u dont understand thats ok

khanwoman: im a girl, what do you expect --omg I crack myself up!

SlimFatty: well u had the high and no chance at the low i was showing the low so every time you bet we are spliting it and paying the rake with only 2 players --this is the best part, I use the "I'm a girl" line and he just cant resist

SlimFatty: 50 cents to win 45 not too smart

khanwoman: and ill keep makin u pay to chase

SlimFatty: i was showing 4 cards for the low u idiot

khanwoman: ya w two high under -- takes an idiot to know that too

khanwoman: gfy

Dealer: khanwoman wins the high pot ($4.50) with a straight, Eight high
Dealer: khanwoman wins the low pot ($4.50) with 6,5,4,3,2


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